
May 2024

Which Fly Sheet is Best for Your Horse?

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Fly season might be one of a horse’s worst enemies. The insects are both annoying and can leave behind painful bites and welts. Perhaps worst of all, many insects transmit diseases from one animal to the next. Sometimes, fly sprays… Continue Reading →

Top 5 Best-Selling Sun Protectants

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Sunburn season has arrived! While we’re all excited to spend time outside in the beautiful summer weather, taking precautions to avoid harmful sun exposure is crucial. Excessive sun exposure can be detrimental not only for us but also for our… Continue Reading →

Triple Crown Trivia: 9 Fast Facts About the Preakness Stakes

With the infamous Kentucky Derby behind us, that means the Preakness is up next! The second leg of the Triple Crown races brings equally exhilarating speed and horsepower that will again have horse racing fans on the edge of their… Continue Reading →

What Is Resist + Vit C and How Can It Help Your Horse?

As travel and show season picks up, our horses’ health remains at the forefront of our minds. Like with humans, travel at any time of year can put stress on horses’ immune systems. Travel becomes even more stressful now with… Continue Reading →

10 Things You Might Not Know About the Kentucky Derby

Proclaimed the “most exciting two minutes in sports,” the Kentucky Derby is just that. Each year, equestrians and non-equestrians alike join in this immersive experience full of excitement, speed, fancy hats, and, of course, majestic horses. With the 150th running… Continue Reading →

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