
Horse Grooming

Get to Know Your Clipper Blades

From clipping whiskers to legs to the entire body, clippers are an essential barn tool. But don’t you hate it when you are trying to clip a horse, and the blades just don’t clip? They snag, pull, and make lines…… Continue Reading →

5 Determining Factors for Blanketing Your Horse

It all sounds so simple… when it gets cold out, give your horse a blanket. When it’s warm, take the blanket off. But how do we define “cold” and “warm” for a horse? Cold can mean 50° to a Floridian,… Continue Reading →

5 Fall Activities for You and Your Horse

September is officially here, which means one thing – fall is coming! Cooler weather, the leaves changing color, and pumpkin spice everything is just around the corner. As the show season winds down, don’t miss the opportunity to spice up… Continue Reading →

How Special Olympics New York is Elevating Equestrian Sports

At FarmVet, we support equestrians at all levels of competition and so we were thrilled to learn of a program that is focusing on creating inclusive opportunities for riders with intellectual disabilities. We interviewed Lauren Reischer from Special Olympics New York… Continue Reading →

How to Create a Show-Worthy Shine

Stepping into the show ring with a well-groomed horse may not guarantee you a blue ribbon, but it certainly will get you noticed. And standing out from the rest of the competition is always a goal! You likely have a… Continue Reading →

The Ultimate Guide to Show-Safe Treatments

USEF is committed to our horses’ health and safety. Therefore, they maintain an extensive list of products and ingredients that are banned or regulated. While USEF recognizes horse health maintenance often requires therapy, the rules and regulations ensure that the… Continue Reading →

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