
December 2019

How to Prepare Your Pet for Fireworks

Time to Celebrate! Whether it’s New Year’s in the dead of winter or July 4th in the middle of summer, one thing doesn’t change – the celebration. But with the parties, bonfires, ball drops, and fireworks, it can be hard… Continue Reading →

How to Motivate Yourself to Ride this Winter

With temperatures steadily decreasing, it feels like even the sun has hit its lowest level of motivation. Finding the energy to ride, let alone drive all the way to the barn, seems more difficult than ever. However, your horse still… Continue Reading →

Why We Love: Missing Link’s Pet Products

Feeding your dog treats is an exciting part of being a dog owner. You take the time to carefully select treats at the store and hope your pup will enjoy them! When choosing dog treats, owners often read ingredients, and… Continue Reading →

Goodbye MPA, Hello Show-Safe Options!

On December 1st, 2019, the USEF ban on the use of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (MPA) took effect. For horses competing at USEF-licensed competitions that have been relying on MPA, it’s time to find another option. With WEF just around the corner,… Continue Reading →

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