

The Best Electrolytes For Your Horse in 2024

Summer is here, and so is the heat! While hydration is important year-round, summer can make it more challenging to keep yourself AND your horse hydrated. It is even more important to ensure our horses get enough water, electrolytes, and… Continue Reading →

What Is Resist + Vit C and How Can It Help Your Horse?

As travel and show season picks up, our horses’ health remains at the forefront of our minds. Like with humans, travel at any time of year can put stress on horses’ immune systems. Travel becomes even more stressful now with… Continue Reading →

Treating Skin Issues with Cavalor

Did you know the skin is a horse’s largest organ? It serves the purpose of protecting the rest of the horse’s body, and thus the health of this organ is of utmost importance. Skin health can be affected by both… Continue Reading →

6 Tips to Keep Your Show Horse Happy

As Summer creeps into Fall, many of us (and our horses) experience more fatigue from the show season. Frequent or extended time on the road combined with those late-season championships can have all of us tired and burnt out. Physical… Continue Reading →

5 Ways to Boost Your Horse’s Immune System

A strong immune system. You might hear this term tossed around regularly in reference to a horse’s health. But what does it really mean? Immune systems are complicated. And, important. This intricate part of bodily functioning is what provides your… Continue Reading →

Helping Your Horse During Poor Air Quality

Recent years have shown some of the highest numbers of wildfires across the country. While the obvious immediate threat is the fire itself, the secondary threat of hazardous smoke can be serious as well. The wind can create diminished air… Continue Reading →

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