Tag Horse Health

Fly Spray 101: Which is Best for Your Horse?

April showers bring May flowers and flies. That’s how that goes, right? It’s an equestrian’s most dreaded part of the warmer months. But luckily, we have developed many lines of defense to arm ourselves (aka our horses) against the pesky… Continue Reading →

New Arrivals and Finds at FarmVet

It’s time for spring cleaning, which often means sorting through and organizing tack and supplies. This sometimes yields outdated items or missing supplies. At FarmVet we’re doing the same, in a way, to keep our available items constantly up to… Continue Reading →

What Is Equine Vibration Therapy?

When a horse (or a human) exerts itself by walking, running, jumping, or any sort of movement, the muscles activate, therefore placing tension on the adjoining tendons and bones. This movement then triggers the bones, tendons, muscles, and other systems… Continue Reading →

Beat Allergy Season with Flexineb

Just like humans, our horses can experience allergies, especially during the changing seasons. Most commonly, we think about reactions to bug bites or a bad meal presenting as hives or dermatitis. But did you know your horse can inhale allergens… Continue Reading →

7 Things You Need for Hauling Your Horse

For some of us, hauling our horses down the road is an often occurrence. Whether headed to a show, a park for some trail riding, or perhaps in between facilities for training, we have our routine down pat when it… Continue Reading →

Staying Prepared with EquiMedic First Aid Kits

Preparation. It has saved us all before. If our horse gets into an accident, the last thing we need is to be scrambling around trying to locate supplies. Now, with one of FarmVet’s newest additions, preparation is easier than ever…. Continue Reading →

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