Category Pets

Give your pet the joy they bring to you with our favorite treats, toys, and lifestyle habits for a happy and healthy life.

How Can Light Therapy Benefit Your Pet?

If you’ve heard about light therapy for animals, you may wonder, can this help my pet’s condition? Or does it actually work? Is it backed by science? The answer to all of these questions is yes! Light therapy is beneficial… Continue Reading →

NEW! Roam Treats to Try

This blog was written by Hannah Palmer. Hannah is an avid Reiner and forever Corgi lover. Working in the horse and pet industry has given Hannah exposure and experience with many different pet brands. Healthy foods and proper nutrition are… Continue Reading →

What Is the Best Way to Clean Your KONG?

KONGs are beloved toys by dogs around the world. They are durable, safe, and most of all – fun. Because of KONG’s unique composition, it is important to understand how to clean them. Cleaning your KONG ensures the utmost safety… Continue Reading →

Why Your Dog Needs a Frozen Kong

Hot summer weather means more time indoors and less time on walks. So, we resort to finding other means of entertainment to keep our dogs occupied and happy. What better way to provide enrichment and fun than with a healthy… Continue Reading →

5 Tips for a Safe Summer with Your Pet

Our pets are one of the most important things in our lives. Most of us want to spend as much time with them as possible, without letting the weather get in the way. The hot summer months create some risks… Continue Reading →

FarmVet Customers’ Top 5 Dog Products of 2022

Toys, Beds, Treats, Supplies? It can be hard to decide which product is the best for your beloved pet, so we asked and you answered! In 2022 we worked on compiling some of the best dog products available so you… Continue Reading →

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