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Nutrients for Your Horse’s Health: Renew Gold

When considering our diets as humans, we know certain foods give us the nutrients we need to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. We can add fruits and vegetables when we need essential greens, drink more water for hydration, and… Continue Reading →

Why We Love: GastroPrep EQ for Nervous Horses

“I have butterflies in my stomach.”  This common term often gets passed over or explained away as a symptom of nervousness in humans, but have you ever thought about what that nervous feeling could mean when it’s your horse suffering… Continue Reading →

Fly Season: How to Help Your Horse

Fly season can be a huge bummer when it comes to spending time with your horse. The constant tail swishing and hoof stomping can distract your horse while you ride, which can become dangerous if your horse gets irritated enough…. Continue Reading →

Do’s & Don’ts of Deworming

Now that we’re well into spring, most barns are scheduling their semi-yearly vaccination and deworming day. Having an established deworming routine with your veterinarian is an essential part of horse ownership and barn management. Don’t: Leave Parasites Unchecked When left… Continue Reading →

Why We Love: Hoof Aid Special for Horses

Our “From The Source” edition features product success stories from FarmVet employees. Thank you to Rachel Worth for sharing your piece about Zephyr and his journey with Cavalor’s product, Hoof Aid Special. I have owned Zephyr for 18 years. He… Continue Reading →

Barn Necessities: Tendon Repair Formula (TRF)

Much like humans who experience muscle soreness after exercise, horses are also prone to soft tissue injuries throughout training and competition. Properly warming up and cooling down your horse helps lessen the risk of serious injury, but soreness can still… Continue Reading →

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