Tag Horse Supplements

Help Your Horse Cool Down in Hot Weather

Hot, humid weather is uncomfortable for humans and horses alike. But even more than uncomfortable, the heat can be a danger to our horses’ health. A proper cool-down after exercise is essential for recovery from heat stress, and this may… Continue Reading →

Introducing Perfect Prep EQ™ Pro Chill

Just when we thought calmers couldn’t get any more advanced, Perfect Products announced the release of Perfect Prep EQ™ Pro Chill. Below we will discuss their newest addition to the Perfect Products Calming System, how to use it, and how… Continue Reading →

Belmont Stakes 2023: What You Need To Know

Between the Kentucky Derby favorite that was scratched (Forte), the eventual winner that will not be racing (Mage), and the Preakness winner (National Treasure), this year’s Belmont Stakes is sure to be an exciting one. Catch up on what happened… Continue Reading →

Summer Checklist for Equestrians

The days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer, and winter blankets are getting packed away. Summer is around the corner, and it’s time to prepare for the next season. It’s easy to get stuck in a routine, but… Continue Reading →

Winning Hydration with Equiwinner Patches

As the summer months approach, proper hydration for our horses can become challenging. But don’t worry, because FarmVet has a lot of options available to help. Some encourage thirst and drinking, while others improve how the water is used internally…. Continue Reading →

6 Ways To Calm A Nervous Horse

Horses are hardwired to be alert and on the lookout for predators. This natural instinct can sometimes make them a bit nervous. If a horse is nervous and constantly on edge, it can lead to further problems such as poor… Continue Reading →

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