We’ve all said it (or at least thought it) at some point… why ride a mare if we can have a gelding instead? Mares often get the bad rap in our barns, and although we love them, their mood swings… Continue Reading →
The first week in May is National Small Business Awareness Week, so we wanted to highlight a few of the amazing small businesses whose products we carry here at FarmVet. “National Small Business Week 2022 celebrates the resiliency and tenacity… Continue Reading →
If you’re a horse owner, then every time spring and fall roll around you’re thinking about deworming. Yep, it’s that time of year again! You head over to FarmVet.com, pull up the dewormers page, and oh my…where to begin? So… Continue Reading →
Hello summer, hello… flies? Fly season is perhaps the only annoying yet unavoidable part of the warmer months. These insects are irritating to horses and humans alike, leaving them with bites, sores, or even rashes and hives. Luckily, we have… Continue Reading →
Alltech’s team of experienced equestrians produced a new line of advanced nutritional supplements designed with your horse’s wellness in mind. After years of research, Lifeforce was created with the ideal blend of ingredients for optimal horse health and performance. Alltech’s… Continue Reading →
Imagine it’s your typical morning; you’ve fed the horses, the ponies, and the dogs. You’re just returning to the horses’ stalls to check that they ate their breakfast before turning them out. You walk up to your precious horse, and… Continue Reading →
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