Today’s advancements in medicine extend far past human technologies. For most equestrians, treatments and therapies for their horses are just as (if not more) important than themselves. Trainers and industry professionals across the country have one thing in common –… Continue Reading →
Winter as an equestrian is full of new challenges. Mud-covered legs and tails, cold, damp weather, and hairy coats can result in new frustration added to your grooming routine. You feel like your horse isn’t clean enough or now that… Continue Reading →
From clipping whiskers to legs to the entire body, clippers are an essential barn tool. But don’t you hate it when you are trying to clip a horse, and the blades just don’t clip? They snag, pull, and make lines…… Continue Reading →
It all sounds so simple… when it gets cold out, give your horse a blanket. When it’s warm, take the blanket off. But how do we define “cold” and “warm” for a horse? Cold can mean 50° to a Floridian,… Continue Reading →
For any equestrian, our horse’s care and well-being are often at the forefront of our minds. Luckily, many therapeutic and treatment options exist for us to keep our horses feeling at the top of their game. Poultice is a treatment… Continue Reading →
Helmets can protect you from head injury if worn correctly and properly cared for. But did you know that you should replace your helmet even if there’s no sign of damage? Just like you replace the tires on your vehicle… Continue Reading →
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