Some feline owners make the decision to keep their cats inside, but worry about depriving their cat of their natural instincts and daily sunshine. These concerns are valid, but unnecessary if you offer your cat activities and new experiences! While keeping a cat indoors is completely normal, allowing your cat to get bored is not. If you think your cat needs a little excitement in his everyday routine, its time to get creative!
1. Make An Indoor Lawn
Just because your cat won’t go outdoors doesn’t mean you can’t bring the outdoors to him! Grab our shallow rubber feed pan and place it in a sunny spot. Next, dig up a patch of grass and place it in the feed pan. If you’re not willing to dig into your lawn, you can purchase a bag of lawn seed and grow your own! With the grass in the pan, your cat will have their own little patch of lawn to lay on and enjoy from the indoors.
Shop our feed pan here.
2. Set Up A Scratching Post
Outdoor cats can keep their nails down by scratching on trees and digging in the dirt. However, indoor cats need a different outlet to keep their nails trimmed! Check out any of our Creative Kitty scratching posts. A scratching post is a safe way to give your cat an outlet for scratching, without ruining curtains or furniture! If your cat needs more interaction than just scratching, the Creative Kitty Scratch Ramp and Groom features a grooming brush, plastic balls to play with, and a little tunnel to run through!

Shop Creative Kitty toys here.
3. Re-Use Our Cardboard Boxes
If you shop with us at FarmVet, your order will come to you in perfect cat-sized boxes! Instead of throwing away the box, save it, and make your kitty a cat castle! Use a knife to cut holes in the box for windows, and place a blanket down in the bottom for a cozy resting place. Your cat will feel safe and at home in their re-purposed box!
4. Provide A Plant Jungle
Indoor plants are a must if you have an indoor cat. Plants can help cats feel closer to nature, especially if they don’t get to experience nature every day! Place some of your plants along a windowsill. Your cat will sit on the windowsill and feel like it’s in the jungle while enjoying the view outside! Make sure all of your plants are cat-safe, as sometimes they like to give the leaves a taste!
Share Your Cat-erday Adventures With Us!
If you take a picture of your cat enjoying his new indoor activities, tag us in your Instagram or Facebook post and we’ll share it!