As horse owners and caretakers, we know that ensuring our horses receive the proper nutrition is essential for their health and performance. A new addition to FarmVet’s extensive lineup of supplements for horse health is StableFeed’s all-natural chia supplements. These superfood supplements are specially designed to naturally support the immune system, digestion, and overall metabolic health of your horse. Let’s take a closer look at some of these incredible products and the unique benefits they provide.

Spirulina Chia Immune Support

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that’s packed with essential nutrients and offers powerful immune-boosting properties. StableFeed’s Spirulina Chia Immune Support combines this superfood with chia seeds and manuka honey to provide a potent, nutrient-dense supplement that promotes healing and supports the immune system. This product is particularly beneficial for horses suffering from hives, fungal infections, skin issues, or respiratory problems. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce symptoms and speed up recovery, while the essential nutrients help strengthen the immune system for long-term support. Additionally, it offers gastrointestinal support and can help overall coat, skin, and hoof health. 

StableFeed’s Spirulina Chia Immune Support Supplement for Equine Nutrition Available at FarmVet

Whether your horse is recovering from an infection or you simply want to improve their overall health, this supplement is a fantastic addition to their diet.

Key Benefits: Promotes healing for skin, respiratory, and more. Supports immune system health and allergy relief.

“This product was recommended when I met a lovely rep at the PA Horse Expo after I explained that I have a horse who gets bad seasonal allergies and extreme itchiness to the point of rubbing herself raw. This product worked amazingly for her. She was able to stay comfortable all summer and wasn’t itchy. I plan to put the other horse that I recently got back on it come spring because she always gets extremely itchy as well. I highly recommend this product. I love that it’s all-natural ingredients as well.”

– Josie R.

Boosted Spirulina Chia Immune Support

For horses that are severely symptomatic or dealing with chronic immune system concerns, StableFeed’s Boosted Spirulina Chia Immune Support offers an even more powerful formula. With double the amount of spirulina, this supplement provides additional support for horses who need a stronger immune boost. It’s an excellent choice for horses experiencing prolonged skin or respiratory issues, as well as those that require extra help with inflammation or healing. The combination of spirulina, chia, and manuka honey gives horses the nourishment they need to recover more quickly and maintain a strong immune system.

StableFeed’s Boosted Spirulina Chia Immune Support for Horses Available at FarmVet

Due to its power-packed nutrients, this particular supplement provides healing benefits for more severe skin issues such as sarcoids or cankers, and is highly beneficial for horses suffering from allergies.

Key Benefits: Double the Spirulina for enhanced support and symptom relief for severe skin, allergy, or immune conditions. Promotes healing and overall well being.

“My sensitive chestnut TB had a quarter-sized sarcoid developing on his neck and within a month of being on this it’s become smooth to the touch, and I can see hair regrowth on and around the sarcoid site. I couldn’t be any happier with the results of this product as it’s prevented me from having to take a more invasive approach to treatment.”

– Mary

Papaya Chia Gastric Support

Proper digestion is vital for your horse’s overall health and performance. StableFeed’s Papaya Chia Gastric Support contains papaya, known for its digestive enzymes, along with soothing aloe vera and nutritious alkaline superfoods that encourage healthy digestion, reduce the risk of gastric upset, and improve nutrient uptake. Primarily, these ingredients help stimulate salivation, a crucial step in the digestive process. Salivation is crucial for breaking down proteins and enhancing nutrient absorption, as well as coating the stomach. This supplement also helps to maintain an optimal stomach pH, supporting overall gastric health and digestion.

StableFeed’s Papaya Chia Gastric Support Equine Nutrition Supplement available at FarmVet

Horses that are prone to digestive issues, such as those with a sensitive stomach or prone to ulcers, will especially benefit from this formula. It is also beneficial for horses with a busy show or work schedule, or any horses frequently experiencing stress.

Key Benefits: Optimized digestion and stomach health, ensuring they get the maximum nutritional benefit from their food.

“I first ordered the Papaya Chia blend in February of 2021 following a barn move. Within the first week, my OTTB Wes had started to calm down in the crossties and under saddle, and reduced his cribbing to nearly nothing! After another barn move, Wes only cribbed on the first day and then stopped completely. I was able to leave him without a collar or have Cribox slathered onto surfaces for the first time in 2.5 years. I re-ordered in July as he had started cribbing again with weather and paddock changes, and he’s once again stopped unless he’s kept in his stall too long. Additionally, he’s started to dapple out, his gut seems happier, he’s shinier, and his overall condition has improved! Absolutely LOVE this product and recommend it to everyone!”

– Ashlynn H.

Prickly Pear Chia Glucose Support

For horses with metabolic concerns, such as insulin resistance or glucose imbalances, StableFeed’s Prickly Pear Chia Glucose Support is a must-have. This product is designed to support glucose metabolism for normalized insulin levels, lipid metabolism, and overall metabolic health. The unique blend of prickly pear cactus pads, prickly pear nectar, and chia help to regulate blood sugar levels, decrease hyperlipidemia, minimize LDL cholesterol, and support normal ACTH levels. The loose format of this supplement also contains bee pollen for hind-gut support.

StableFeed’s Prickly Pear Chia Glucose Support all-natural Equine Nutrition available at FarmVet

By providing essential nutrients that support balanced glucose levels, this supplement helps support healthy weight management and overall horse health. If your horse is at risk for metabolic disorders, incorporating this supplement into their daily routine can help maintain their overall well-being.

Key Benefits: Metabolic health and glucose balance. Helps regulate insulin levels and lipid metabolism.

“When Printer was diagnosed with PPID [Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction] the veterinarians told me that even with careful dietary management I would not see her ACTH levels fall within the normal range again. Ever. I already fed StableFeed’s Spirulina product to control allergies in my competition horse so I tried the Prickly Pear to see if it could help Printer. Her ACTH levels are within the normal range for the first time in four years! I can’t conceive of a reason I would ever stop feeding these products to my girls! StableFeed plays an integral role in keeping me happy and my horse’s healthy!”

– Macartney G.

Why Choose StableFeed Supplements?

StableFeed’s line of chia-based supplements offers a natural, effective way to support your horse’s immunity, digestion, and metabolic health. Each product is carefully formulated with high-quality ingredients that provide targeted benefits. With a focus on natural, nutrient-dense ingredients, these supplements are a great addition to any horse’s wellness routine. Visit FarmVet today to learn more about StableFeed and explore the full range of products available for your horse’s needs.

Maximize Your Horse’s Health

Did you know steamed hay is another way to support your horse’s respiratory health? Discover the benefits of Haygain Hay Steamers and maximize your horse’s well-being and performance.